Children’s Ministry at Westminster is led by Sydney Knight. Children get the kind of care, encouragement and teaching to become well-rounded Christian disciples. They learn the fundamental doctrines of the faith and how all of Scripture reveals God’s plan of redemption in Christ. We welcome your participation in our children’s ministry and pray that you will be blessed in serving our covenant children.
We are always excited to meet new children and welcome them into our classes and church family!

Sydney Knight
Director of Children's Ministry
Sunday School
Each week our teachers and curriculum share God’s power and faithfulness as revealed in God’s word. We meet at the WCA School Building (down the sidewalk, North of the Church building) at 10:50am. Students walk over together under adult supervision immediately after worship!
Our Sunday school time includes Music time, Supervised Gym/Activity Time, and Class time where children engage in the truths of the Bible.
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Toddler
(GCP) - Toddler
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Preschool
(GCP) - Preschool
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Younger Elementary
(GCP) - Younger Elementary
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Middle Elementary
(GCP) - Middle Elementary
Wednesday Evenings
During the fall and spring quarters, the children meet on Wednesday nights to learn and practice the Westminster Shorter Catechisms and Covenant Theology, with their age respected. We meet in the Narthex of WPC for dinner and fellowship at 5:30, and children walk into the WCA School Building, under adult supervision, at 6:10, for class time!
If you would like to join us, and would like dinner, please call the office by Tuesday, noon, to ensure you are on the sign up list.
Our Wednesday Nights begin August 21, 2024.
Children’s Beginners Catechism (GCP)
Lead Me to Zion - Covenant Theology
Digging Deeper (GCP) - Westminster Shorter Catechism
weekly Updates
Children's Worship Bulletins:
Weekly Parent Newsletter:

When dropping off your child please check in with KidCheck first. Check in stations are located just outside the nursery. If you are a first-time visitor, we can help you create an account to check in. Or you can go to www.kidcheck.com to create your account before you arrive. Stickers will be printed with your child’s name, allergies or medical alerts we need to know about, and the guardian location. If we need to contact you for any reason while your child is in Sunday School, we will send you a text alert to your cell phone.
Book Recommendations
February - Missions/Biographies
Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen Who Chose to Serve
Do Great Things for God Series
Author: Alison Mitchell
Illustrator: Emma Randall
Inspiring children’s biography of Queen Elizabeth II highlighting the Christian faith that underpinned her remarkable reign.
Princess Elizabeth never expected to be Queen. But when she was ten, her uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated and everything changed… Her father took over as King, but after 15 years on the throne, he died. So when she was just 25 years old, Elizabeth was crowned Queen and became the longest-serving monarch in British history.
This inspiring children’s biography of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) chronicles key moments in her life. It also highlights her Christian faith, in particular what she has said in her Christmas Day speeches.
Young children will learn more about the incredible life and faith of Britain’s longest-serving monarch and they will be inspired about the great things they can do for God.
Suitable for children aged 4-7.
Princess Elizabeth never expected to be Queen. But when she was ten, her uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated and everything changed… Her father took over as King, but after 15 years on the throne, he died. So when she was just 25 years old, Elizabeth was crowned Queen and became the longest-serving monarch in British history.
This inspiring children’s biography of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) chronicles key moments in her life. It also highlights her Christian faith, in particular what she has said in her Christmas Day speeches.
Young children will learn more about the incredible life and faith of Britain’s longest-serving monarch and they will be inspired about the great things they can do for God.
Suitable for children aged 4-7.
Betty Greene
The Girl Who Longed to Fly
Do Great Things for God Series
Author: Laura Caputo-Wickham
Illustrator: Héloïse Mab
Read the true story of Betty Greene, who helped set up the Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Read the true story of Betty Greene, who helped set up the Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Betty wanted to learn to fly from the age of 7, and when she grew up, that's exactly what she did. When World War II started, Betty used her skills to serve with the Women Airforce Service Pilots (also known as WASPs). She even became part of a research project that sent pilots way up high, through the stratosphere!
Once the war had ended, she brought her passion for flying and her passion for the Lord Jesus together, and helped to set up a mission which is known today as the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).
Throughout her life, Betty made over 4,640 flights and served in 12 countries, landing in around 20 more.
This beautifully illustrated children's biography of Betty Greene (1920-1997) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Read the true story of Betty Greene, who helped set up the Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Betty wanted to learn to fly from the age of 7, and when she grew up, that's exactly what she did. When World War II started, Betty used her skills to serve with the Women Airforce Service Pilots (also known as WASPs). She even became part of a research project that sent pilots way up high, through the stratosphere!
Once the war had ended, she brought her passion for flying and her passion for the Lord Jesus together, and helped to set up a mission which is known today as the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).
Throughout her life, Betty made over 4,640 flights and served in 12 countries, landing in around 20 more.
This beautifully illustrated children's biography of Betty Greene (1920-1997) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Book Recommendations
February - Missions/Biographies
Corrie ten Boom
The Courageous Woman and the Secret Room
Do Great Things for God Series
Author: Laura Caputo-Wickham
Illustrator: Isobel Munoz
Spy for the Night Riders
Martin Luther
Author: Dave & Neta Jackson
Assassins in the Cathedral
Festo Kivengere
Author: Dave & Neta Jackson
Read the true story of Corrie ten Boom, who saved hundreds of Jewish people during World War II.
Read the true story of Corrie ten Boom, who saved hundreds of Jewish people during World War II.
In 1940, the Germans invaded the Netherlands, and Corrie ten Boom and her family helped to hide as many Jewish people as possible. They even had a secret room built in her bedroom.
Corrie and her sister were caught by the German army and sent to a concentration camp. Corrie’s trust in God gave her the strength to go on until the war ended. From then on, Corrie talked about her life to big crowds, saying, “There’s no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still."
This beautifully illustrated children's biography of Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Read the true story of Corrie ten Boom, who saved hundreds of Jewish people during World War II.
In 1940, the Germans invaded the Netherlands, and Corrie ten Boom and her family helped to hide as many Jewish people as possible. They even had a secret room built in her bedroom.
Corrie and her sister were caught by the German army and sent to a concentration camp. Corrie’s trust in God gave her the strength to go on until the war ended. From then on, Corrie talked about her life to big crowds, saying, “There’s no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still."
This beautifully illustrated children's biography of Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Introducing Martin Luther Karl Schumacher was fifteen when he came to the German city of Wittenberg in 1520 seeking an education. He had been very fortunate that the esteemed university professor Doctor Martin Luther, had taken him into his household as a servant. Luther’s promise of tutoring Karl in exchange for his labor was the chance of a lifetime-until a poster on the church door declared his master a heretic! Karl is asked to travel with Doctor Luther to appear before the emperor’s Imperial Council in the city of Worms. Will his life be at stake as well as Luther’s? And who is the mysterious young lady who shadows their trip? Could she be a spy for Luther’s enemy, Doctor Eck? Or might the night riders be secret supporters of Luther? With danger lurking on every side, who can Karl trust? An adventure story, ideal for readers 8-12 years of age.
ASSASSINS IN THE CATHEDRAL, Introducing Festo Kivengere -- With the help of Uganda’s famous evangelist Festo Kivengere, Yacobo Kabaza and his family move to the Ugandan capital, Kampala, where Yacobo’s father will be the new driver for Archbishop Luwum. As part of the cathedral’s upcoming Centennial celebration, the archbishop asks Yacobo, an aspiring author, to write a play about the legendary three boys who became Uganda’s first Christian martyrs. The young teenager is thrilled. However, the growing reign of terror of General Idi Amin and his "Special Forces," who falsely suspect the church of helping the rebels, overshadows Yacobo’s excitement. When the archbishop doesn’t return from a meeting with Amin, officials claim he died in a "car accident." Kivengere is forced to flee the country. But the church bravely goes on with preparations for the Centennial, and Yacobo’s play begins rehearsals, with his brother, Blasio, playing the youngest martyr. As the Special Forces circle closer, and the legend of the martyrs becomes alarmingly real, will Yacobo have the strength to survive? Faced with death, their weapon is love.