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4 Years - 4th grade

Children’s Ministry at Westminster is led by Sydney Knight. Children get the kind of care, encouragement and teaching to become well-rounded Christian disciples. They learn the fundamental doctrines of the faith and how all of Scripture reveals God’s plan of redemption in Christ. We welcome your participation in our children’s ministry and pray that you will be blessed in serving our covenant children.

We are always excited to meet new children and welcome them into our classes and church family!

Sydney Knight

Director of Children's Ministry


Sunday School


Each week our teachers and curriculum share God’s power and faithfulness as revealed in God’s word. We meet at the WCA School Building (down the sidewalk, North of the Church building) at 10:50am. Students walk over together under adult supervision immediately after worship!

Our Sunday school time includes Music time, Supervised Gym/Activity Time, and Class time where children engage in the truths of the Bible.


Great Commissions Publications
(GCP)  - Toddler
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP)  - Preschool
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Younger Elementary
Great Commissions Publications
(GCP) - Middle Elementary

Wednesday Evenings


During the fall and spring quarters, the children meet on Wednesday nights to learn and practice the Westminster Shorter Catechisms and Covenant Theology, with their age respected. We meet in the Narthex of WPC for dinner and fellowship at 5:30, and children walk into the WCA School Building, under adult supervision, at 6:10, for class time!
If you would like to join us, and would like dinner, please call the office by Tuesday, noon, to ensure you are on the sign up list.

Our Wednesday Nights begin August 21, 2024.


Children’s Beginners Catechism (GCP)
Lead Me to Zion - Covenant Theology
Digging Deeper (GCP) - Westminster Shorter Catechism

weekly Updates

Children's Worship Bulletins:

Weekly Parent Newsletter:

When dropping off your child please check in with KidCheck first. Check in stations are located just outside the nursery. If you are a first-time visitor, we can help you create an account to check in. Or you can go to to create your account before you arrive. Stickers will be printed with your child’s name, allergies or medical alerts we need to know about, and the guardian location. If we need to contact you for any reason while your child is in Sunday School, we will send you a text alert to your cell phone.

Book Recommendations

September -- New Releases

The Shadow and the Promise
Author: Marty Machowski

Take a front row seat along with the animals who watch as a terrible shadow mars God’s perfect world―yet redemption is not far behind!

While two newly created rock badgers explore their growing world, they encounter a dark foe—the great dragon, the serpent of old. The sinister creature interrupts the badgers’ joyful exploration of the growing landscape to reveal his wicked plan to destroy God’s creation. When the enemy takes flight, the badgers race to warn Adam and Eve of the impending danger. With every thunderous flap of wings, the serpent draws closer to his perch in the forbidden tree. Will the badgers make it in time to expose the evil plan.

The Shadow and the Promise by bestselling author Marty Machowski follows the adventures of the animals who witness the events of Genesis and Exodus unfold before them. Join badgers in the Garden of Eden, an array of animals in the Ark, groundhogs at Babel, Abraham’s donkey, sheep from Joseph’s herd, the cats in the palace in Egypt, and a dog and oxen present at the Passover.

My First ABC Book of Bible Verses
Big Truths for Little Minds
Author: Jonathan Gibson
Illustrator: Mike Mullan

Introduce preschoolers to the wonderful truth of Scripture with My First ABC Book of Bible Verses.

Jonathan Gibson helps toddlers and preschoolers learn key Bible verses along with their ABCs. Each letter of the alphabet has a bright, captivatingly illustrated page with a short, foundational Bible verse to be memorized and a simple sentence that helps explain the verse.

Parents, grandparents, and caregivers will love to use this book to teach the littlest ones foundational truths in a fun, easy-to-remember way. By committing these big truths to their little hearts and minds, toddlers and preschoolers will be able to ground their young faith in God’s Word, which will guide them in the years to come. Children will learn from the earliest age who made them, why they need Jesus, how to become a child of God, what to do when they are afraid, and many more life-changing truths.

My First ABC Book of Bible Verses is the first book in the Big Truths for Little Minds series, which introduces children ages 3–5 to basic concepts of the Christian faith.

Book Recommendations

August - Apologetics

Darcy Is Always First
When Siblings Fight
Good News for Little Hearts Series
Editor: Lauren Whitman
Illustrator: Joe Hox

In Darcy Is Always First, children will learn how to show love and patience to their brothers and sisters, even when they annoy each other.

It doesn't matter that Darcy Duck is only a few seconds older than Delia and Denny—Darcy thinks she should be first at everything. That means that the ducklings always end up fighting to get their turn. Hurt feelings and anger abound until one day when their grandparents fly in for a visit. That's when Denny's determination to be first, ahead of Darcy, almost ends in disaster.

Edited by counselor Lauren Whitman, Darcy Always Goes First is part of the Good News for Little Hearts series that brings gospel wisdom and biblical counsel to families. Based on CCEF's model of hope and help, each story focuses on an animal family's real-life issues, encouraging young readers toward a growing relationship with Jesus during challenging circumstances.

A special section at the end of the book guides parents in having meaningful conversations with their kids about putting others first and living at peace with one another.
Children ages four to eight will be captivated by Joe Hox's colorful, fun illustrations that bring the animal world to life.
Teaches children and parents how to apply God's Word to the inevitable occurrence of navigating sibling conflict.

Questions or Interested in Serving?

We are always looking to find more people who want to help in the spiritual growth of our children. All of our volunteers that work with children and youth must be approved by our elders and pass a background check. If you would like more information on serving our covenantal children or have other questions about Children's Ministry, please contact Sydney below!