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5th - 12th Grade

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
- Joshua 1:9 -

WPC’s Student Ministry seeks to teach, equip, encourage and care for the youth of our church and community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to build strong relationships with teenagers that center around the Gospel. We are committed to helping students discover who God is, what it means to be a Christian, and equipping them so they can reach and impact others for Christ. WPC’s Student Ministry consists of both Youth and College Ministries.


James Ensley

Asst. Pastor of Student Ministries

Mary Katherine Keel

Asst. Director of Student Ministries

Age Groups + Schedule

The Bridge: 5th-6th Grade

Sunday School
11:10am - 12:00pm

Girls meeting in Classroom 210
Boys meeting in Classroom 211

Wednesday Night Youth Group
begins 6:10pm

Meeting in Cafeteria Building, then Classroom 107 after

Journey: 7th-8th Grade

Sunday School
11:10am - 12:00pm

Girls meeting in Classroom 208
Boys meeting in Classroom 207

Wednesday Night Youth Group
begins 6:10pm

Meeting in Cafeteria Building

Rooted: High School

Sunday School
11:10am - 12:00pm

Meeting in Classroom 206

Wednesday Night Youth Group
begins 6:10pm

Meeting in Cafeteria Building

Payment Portals

Click through the below links for more information or to pay for ROOTS, Ridge Haven, or RYM

Sign up for our Newsletter

We send out a weekly newsletter with updates, schedules, and other resources for parents. Sign up today!

Student Ministry Mission Statement

Westminster's Student Ministry consists of the following components:


Our primary goal is to minister to the students of Westminster and equip them for a life of service to Him. Naturally, we are excited when others join us for teaching and fellowship, but this will never occur through the lowering of our goals for our own students. In keeping with our baptism vow of "Assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of our children," Westminster's student ministry is designed to augment the family's responsibility to its children, not replacing, but supporting and working with families in the spiritual nurture of our covenantal children.

Church Focused

A youth group is not the church, it's a ministry within the church. Our students need to be reminded and encouraged to stay involved in worship and service within the greater church and intentionally be reminded that they won’t be in a youth group for the rest of their lives. Also, Westminster has the privilege to work with other Providence Presbytery churches to sponsor our annual ROOTs retreat in January this event allow our students to feel connected to the larger church and provide opportunities for our students to reach out and include friends.


Westminster's goal is for our student ministry to become more discipleship oriented. Our aim is to see students grow consistently in their walk with the Lord. We continually pray for mature and godly mentors to invest in and work with our young people - providing different "voices" in our student's lives.


Westminster's intent is for our student ministry to help prepare our young people for the transition to adulthood. This goal includes helping our students develop a biblical world and life view so that every aspect of their lives is interpreted through the lens of God's revealed will in His Word. We also aim to see our students grow in love and appreciation of the preached word, the sacraments, and a life of prayer. We desire to encourage our students to utilize their talents and gifts for the edification of the body of Christ.


Westminster believes that we are called to a life of service both locally and abroad. Our student ministry provides opportunities for service, to provide our young people the opportunity to take their eyes off themselves and consider other's needs before their own.

Equipping Parents

Working with students from a variety of backgrounds provides Westminster's Student Ministry team with a unique perspective in regard to our students and the world's impact on them. Our desire is to provide helpful insight to our parents, through periodic workshops or discussion groups.

Upcoming Events

Recommended Resources

A Little Book on the Christian Life
John Calvin

Love Came Down at Christmas
Sinclair Ferguson

The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism
Kevin DeYoung

Recommended Resources

Rebels Rescued: A Student's Guide to Reformed Theology
Brian Cosby

God's Story: A Student's Guide to Church History
Brian Cosby

Christian Worldview
A Student's Guide
Philip Graham Ryken

Recommended Resources

Why Am I Feeling Like This?
A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety & Depression
David Murray

Why is My Teenager Feeling Like This? A Guide for Helping Teens through Anxiety & Depression
David Murray

Table for Two
Biblical Counsel For Eating Disorders
David Dunham

Recommended Resources

A Student's Guide to
Ed Welch

A Student's Guide to
Brian Cosby

A Student's Guide to
Social Media
Jason Thacker