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The Missions Ministry of WPC is the personal involvement of members of WPC in making disciples and growing Christ's Church locally and throughout the world so that God will be glorified. This work is accomplished through prayer, communication in multiple directions, the building and maintenance of relationships, personal participation in national and international missions ventures, and financial generosity.

Global Mission Partners

Dylan & Megan Halter

Stuttgart, Germany

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Ben & Kim Church

Kampala, Uganda

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Ben & Kim have been serving with MTW in Uganda since 2013. They began planting Christ Our Refuge Church in 2017, where Ben serves as organizing pastor. He also serves as chairman of the church planting committee of the Uganda Presbytery of the Reformation Church in East Africa (RCEA). Kim serves in the women's and children's ministries of Christ Our Refuge, is a registered nurse, and is studying to become a nurse practitioner. They have three sons and one daughter.

John & Kathy Clow

La Ceiba, Honduras

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John leads the Honduras national team which includes MTW missionaries and national partners in La Ceiba and Tegucigalpa. Through different mercy ministries over the years, such as a medical clinic, a home for single moms, a day program for street boys, and a theological seminary, the team is meeting both physical and spiritual needs of the people.

Rebecca S.

Central Asia

Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine

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Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine was founded in 2000 and offers master's-level education to students from different denominations throughout the region from countries such as Ukraine, Slovenia, Poland, and Belarus. Several ERSU graduates have returned to the school as professors to train the next generation.

Adair Evans

Munich, Germany

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Adair is serving with MTW in Munich, partnering with German nationals to plant gospel-preaching churches in the city, where only 0.25% of the population attends a church where the gospel is preached. Adair will be developing and implementing a ministry to specifically address the spiritual needs of singles in the city, as they make up 90% of households in the inner ring of Munich.

Jamie & Jacki Gildard

Toulouse, France

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Jamie and Jacki Gildard serve the Lord as church planters in France, a secular nation of which evangelical Christians comprise less than 1 percent of the population. Their time is spent investing in relationships, speaking the gospel of Christ, and encouraging local church leaders.

Heero & Anya Hacquebord

Lviv, Ukraine

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Heero and Anya Hacquebord serve with MTW in Lviv, Ukraine. Along with their team, the Hacquebords are working to plant a reformed church in Western Ukraine. Much of their ministry focuses on building relationships. Heero has been working in church planting across Ukraine since 1997.

Justin & Alanna Huston

Dublin, Ireland

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Justin and Alanna are ministering in Dublin, Ireland with Serge. Their role allows them to mentor and disciple short-term missionaries, including college-age summer interns and young adult 2-year apprentices. The Hustons also serve the local church, making disciples and encouraging local church leaders.

Mike & Mary*

Southeast Asia

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Mike and Mary have assisted Wycliffe Bible translation in Southeast Asia since 1995. By teaching the children of translators, jungle pilots, linguistic specialists, and other Christian workers, they are an integral part in an endeavor to bring God's Word to peoples of 265 different languages within their province.

Jim & Marianna Peipon

Kiev, Ukraine

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The Peipons have been missionaries in Ukraine for the past two decades through their organization, Ukraine Medical Outreach (UMO), which reaches medical professionals for Christ through seminars, international medical conferences, and English classes. Jim, an MD, teaches the importance of faith in medicine. They are currently stationed in Cincinnati and traveling abroad for UMO purposes.

Steve & Amy Robertson

Medellin, Colombia

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After years as missionaries in Chile, Steve and Amy Robertson have recently moved to Medellin, Colombia, as part of a new team that will serve as a nexus for Latin American ministry in seminary training, church planting, Christian publishing, and more. Additionally, Steve serves as MTW International Director for the Americas while Amy is earning her master's degree in counseling.

Jim & Karan*

Church Planting International

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Jim is an ordained PCA minister who ministered for 23 years doing evangelism and church planting. Jim and Karan recently transitioned from Mission to the World as their sending agency to ministering with Church Planting International (CPI). Though they live and minister in the United States, Jim also travels to Turkey, India, Myanmar, and Uganda to train national pastors.

Emmanuel & Svetlana Tinev

Sofia, Bulgaria

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The Tinevs are 4th-generation Bulgarian believers residing in Sofia, Bulgaria. Emmanuel is an ordained minister, and they are both missionaries with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship. Their mission is to encourage and equip the leadership and congregants of Bulgarian Presbyterian churches through training and discipleship and to encourage church planting in their region.

Tom & Teresa Wilson

Nagoya, Japan

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The Wilsons are part of the MTW church-planting team in Nagoya, Japan. Through boys choir, plays, church choir, and gospel choirs, believers are encouraged in their faith and nonbelievers hear and sing the gospel with their own lips. Within these MTW ministries, the Wilson family mentors Japanese Christians to share Christ personally with friends. As a result, many non-Christians attend Bible studies and worship services, bringing along family and friends.

John & Leah Njoroge

Valley Light Home, Kenya

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John and Leah Njoroge run this home for orphaned and abandoned children in a town rampant with prostitution. The project is managed by local staff. Family life includes providing professional care and guidance for physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs. Valley Light Home has just moved away from the center of town to a new facility outside the city, where the children have a more peaceful environment. Valley Light Home has also begun a school for the children it serves, along with some community children.

*Location: Sensitive

Local & National Missions

Downtown Rescue Mission


Lincoln Village


Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center (HPRC)


Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP)


PCA Chaplains

Mission to North America

Dieter Paulson

Scottsboro Church Plant
(Redeemer Presbyterian Church)

Adam Venable

South Huntsville Church Plant
(red Mountain Church)

Ben Kappers

All Saints Reformed (St. George, Ut)

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Pastor Ben is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS (M.Div.) and Orlando, FL (D.Min.). Ordained in 2011, He has ten years of senior pastor experience serving churches both in the Reformed Church in America and the Presbyterian Church in America. His call with All Saints is as an evangelist to Southwest Utah under the oversight of the Northern California Presbytery of the PCA. He and his wife, Melanie, have six children.

Amos Williams

Hope City Church (Madison, AL)

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Amos is married to Jessica, and together they have two sons, Caleb and Christian. A few years ago, he and his wife started praying and seeking God concerning church planting. They both sensed that the Lord was calling them to plant a church, but they were not sure when or where. After years of prayer and preparation, they felt led to plant a church in Madison, AL. In July 2022, he and his family were sent out by The Village Church to plant Hope City Church in south Madison.

Vinnie Athey


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Vinnie Athey serves as RUF campus minister at UAH, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to equip students to love and serve him and his church. Weekly large group worship, Bible studies, and social events provide opportunities to build relationships with students and win followers of Christ. Vinnie and Molly have a son and daughter.

Skye Green


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Skye grew up in Odenville, Alabama (a small town outside of Birmingham.) She graduated in 2022 from The University of Alabama in Huntsville with a degree in Human Resource Management. During college, she enjoyed sitting at coffee shops for hours, going on sunset hikes with friends, and making all forms of art. She is excited to stay at UAH to introduce freshmen to the things she loves most about Huntsville and minister to them in the process. Skye loves reading, 2 am conversations with friends, and firmly believes that her love language is coffee.

Chase Daws


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Chase and his wife, Holly, are originally from Alabama. They were married in the fall of 2011, and moved to Nashville where Chase served as an RUF Intern at Belmont University. After a stop in Philadelphia for seminary, 2017 took the Daws to Berkeley, California, where he served as RUF campus minister at U.C Berkeley for five years. In June of 2022, they returned to Nashville, where Chase began serving as the campus minister at Vanderbilt University. Over the years, they've collected three wonderful boys - Gabe, Bo, and Griffey. They love Warriors basketball, Auburn football, and biscuits.

Kelley Murphree


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Kelley was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. She moved to the great State of Mississippi for undergrad at MSU where she immediately fell in love with the ministry of RUF as she learned how the truth and beauty of the gospel can be applied to our lives. In 2019, Kelley graduated with a degree in Secondary Education before moving even further south to serve as the RUF intern at The University of Southern Mississippi for three years. In 2022, she moved back home to Huntsville and transitioned into the role of Campus Staff at UAH. Kelley is honored at the opportunity to serve college students in her hometown and excited to see rolling hills, rockets, and white BBQ sauce again. When she isn't having coffee with students, you can find her cooking up a storm in her kitchen, taking a short walk on Monte Sano, or reorganizing her bookshelf.

Marcus Nobles

RUF at Alabama A&M

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In addition to serving as Campus Ministry Associate for RUF at Alabama A&M, Marcus is a student at Reformed Theological Seminary, pursuing an MDiv. He and his wife, Jessica, have 3 daughters, Amelia, Charlotte, and Olivia.

James Post


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After three years as an RUF intern at the University of Arkansas, James Post is now the RUF Intern Care Assistant. His role in this four-person department includes recruiting future interns, training new interns, and then walking with the hundreds of interns as they transition from student to intern. James is also working toward his master of divinity degree at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS.

Faith Promise

“May your ways be known throughout the earth, Your saving power among people everywhere.”
Psalm 67:2

What is Faith Promise?

Faith Promise is the primary source of funds for partnering with the many ministries and missionaries that Westminster supports as a congregation. We gather these commitments in the first quarter of the year during our Annual Missions Conference. That said, you’re welcome to complete a Faith Promise at anytime throughout the year. The following FAQ’s are intended to help you as you consider how God would have your respond to the cause of world missions through our church.

What is a Faith Promise?
My trusting God to enable me to give more than I thought I could give, and at the same time meet all my needs because He has promised me to do so.

What is the Biblical basis for it?
2 Corinthians 8 and 9; 1 Chronicles 29:14,16; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10; Psalm 37:5; 2 Chronicles 9:6

What does it entail?
Faith Promise requires a commitment. I commit myself to a specific amount of money, and, by faith based on God’s promises, expect Him to enable me to do it. This helps me to reprogram my whole life priority system so that I begin actively looking for God’s provision.

Who is called to participate?
God’s Word instructs all believers to go and reach. Pray that every family at Westminster would be involved.

How is a faith promise supplied?
From the experience of many individuals and churches, there are three general ways God uses to supply a faith promise.
1. Some dramatic, unexpected occurrence
2. Reordering our priorities, in order to save money and then giving those monies as a faith promise
3. Creative ways to generate income to give

How do I make a Faith Promise?
Pray – for what the Lord would have me do and know that what He commands He also enables.
Commit – myself to make a faith promise, realizing that my faith will grow as I stay committed to that promise.
Give – faithfully as God enables me.

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